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The thread for message No. 2784. Subject: Klimascek. (Sent on 3 VII 2011 7:08)

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2784 - subject: Klimascek

3 VII 2011 7:08, from: Lee Souder
Looking for Klimacek/klimascek from Stara Otura families.

2787 - subject: Re: Klimascek

9 VII 2011 0:23, from: Zlatica
Slovakia's phone book
KLIMAC^EK in Stara Tura.
Stará Turá, Slovakia [nitra region]
1773 Ó-Tura, Alt-Turn, Stara Tura, 1786 Tura, O-Tura, Stará Tura, 1808 Ó-Tura, Stará Tura, 1863–1913 Ótura, 1920– Stará Turá [all the names th

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