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The thread for message No. 2804. Subject: bratislava family. (Sent on 18 XI 2011 18:30)

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2804 - subject: bratislava family

18 XI 2011 18:30, from: zimmer
My Grandfather Max Herzl was married to Johanna Reichfeld. They, or she, or her parents lived at number 9 Kisfaludy Street. We visited this year, but couldn't find this street. Also after taking ages to get to the place for archives, we found that it w

2806 - subject: Re: bratislava family

19 XI 2011 19:53, from: Zlatica
I would say that you have very old name of a street. Kisfaludy sounds Hungarian not Slovak at all.
Check in LDS-Mormons [Family History Center] site for Jewish records for Bratislava.

2886 - subject: Re: bratislava family

16 I 2015 11:33, from: Raz Reichfeld
Trying to find out more myself.
My father Alex Reichfeld son of Shmuel and Bluma Reichfeld.
I live in the US now. My family is in Israel.

2902 - subject: Re: bratislava family

13 X 2015 13:07, from: Dennis Zimmer
Hello Raz. Just found your message!!
I have lots of names and stuff re: my Mother's family. Her Father was Max Herzl who married Johanna Reichfeld, who perished in the Holocaust.
Her cousin was Heddy Reichfeld who is buried in Israel. We are in touch wi

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