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The thread for message No. 2859. Subject: Simona Rodica. (Sent on 7 III 2014 16:23)

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2859 - subject: Simona Rodica

7 III 2014 16:23, from: Duchony / Duhoni
My Grand-grandfather ther was born in Zniovarallya in 1855 his name was Stanislav Duchony
Fathers name Paul Duchony, mothers name Anna Dianous. I am trying to locate the home in which he was born in and and relativies that still might be in that area.

2860 - subject: Re: Simona Rodica

16 III 2014 2:49, from: Zlatica
DUCHONY in Velke Ludince's phone book.
Znióváralja, Turócz megye, Hungary is Kláštor pod Znievom, Slovakia.

2865 - subject: Re: Simona Rodica

28 III 2014 12:04, from: Zlatica
thanks very much Zlatica

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