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The thread for message No. 2930. Subject: Mihály Bossánszky. (Sent on 10 IV 2017 18:58)

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2930 - subject: Mihály Bossánszky

10 IV 2017 18:58, from: Stephane stephanebosanski@orange.r
My grandfather was born Mihály Bossánszky in Nagynépány, Nystra County, Hungary on 25 January 1896.
It is in the current Slovakia Velké Ripnány (Nitra).
On his Czechoslovak passport (issued in 1924), his name became Bosánsky Michel.
He left for Fra

2931 - subject: Re: Mihály Bossánszky

14 IV 2017 13:30, from: Peter Zierfuss
Hello Stephane,
I can compile an ancestry of Michael Bossanszky ancestors if you are interested.
I am a professional genealogist.
Greetings from Slovakia,

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