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The thread for message No. 1807. Subject: genealogy. (Sent on 9 II 2006 16:26)

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1807 - subject: genealogy

9 II 2006 16:26, from: delonca
i am french, my name is "delonca". and told to come fron "de olka" and from
an ancestor who is supposed to émigrate in XVII century in France .
I found that "olka" is a carpatho-rusyn village near presov.
If anyone can reply to me with some information

1808 - subject: Re: genealogy

9 II 2006 17:25, from: Zlatica
Would you know if DELONCA is in its "original" spelling? I can not find a surname Delonca / Delonka/Delonko in Slovak Republic.
Here are some sites on Carpatho-Rusyn.
Was your ancestor born in Ol

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