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The thread for message No. 1893. Subject: Kosice. (Sent on 14 IV 2006 15:22)

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1893 - subject: Kosice

14 IV 2006 15:22, from: Veronica Victor
I met relatives for the first time in January who are from Kosice and they invited me to visit anytime. I do not speak the language although I attended a slovak parochial school for 8 yrs. in the U.S. I took an on-line course in czech a couple of years

1894 - subject: Re: Kosice

14 IV 2006 18:55, from: Mick
I am familiar with surname Stavrovsky /Staurovsky/.
Stavrovsky family was famous family, because many members of this family were Rusyn priests, cantors, teachers. Probably the most famous from Stavrovsky family was Julius Stavrovsky-Popradov, he was pri

1895 - subject: Re: Staurosky, Stavrovsky

14 IV 2006 20:17, from: Zlatica
Did you try using One Step to locate his manifest?
If he came thru EI than he should be there.
The LDS-Mormons have filmed the church records so you can order the films and gather ancestral information here in US before y

2033 - subject: Re: Kosice

1 VIII 2006 6:02, from: Bob Staurowsky
You are correct with regards to Staurovsky/Stavrovsky. This is my main area of genealogy research.I have collected all known Staurovsky passenger shiplists from Castle Garden,
Ellis Island, Baltimore, Philadelphia. I also have a list of known villages in

2277 - subject: Re: Kosice

22 V 2007 13:28, from: Miron Stavrovský
Please, send me more information about geneaal. Stavrovsky.
I speak bad eng. sorry.

2359 - subject: Re: Kosice

4 XII 2007 15:48, from: Bob Staurowsky
I can contact you with more information. Sorry for the long delay but I have not checked this link for some time. If you like, send me a message from your email address directly so I may reply. This would make it easier to send files directly to

2360 - subject: Re: Kosice

4 XII 2007 15:50, from: Bob Staurowsky
I noticed my email address does not show on the posted reply. My email address is:

2382 - subject: Re: Kosice Stavrovsky family

17 II 2008 2:39, from: Robert Staurowsky
If you send me your email address I will forward more information on our surname. I have a friend in Presov who can assist with any translation difficulties.
My email address is

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