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Genealogy forum

The thread for message No. 1993. Subject: birth certificates. (Sent on 20 VI 2006 21:35)

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1993 - subject: birth certificates

20 VI 2006 21:35, from: Bernath Friedman
Can you kindly provide me with the mailing address or the e-mail address of the City Hall or Records Office in Kosice so that I can request birth certificates of family members born in Kosice.
Thanking you in advance for your help.

1994 - subject: Re: birth certificates

21 VI 2006 7:34, from: Mick
Here you are mailing address, where you can request these birth certificates.
Matricny urad
Hviezdoslavova 7
040 01 Kosice
Slovak republic
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

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