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The thread for message No. 2001. Subject: Stefanik. (Sent on 8 VII 2006 0:20)

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2001 - subject: Stefanik

8 VII 2006 0:20, from: Jean
Searching for Stefanik from Matysova.
I think my Grandmother Mary came from this village than came to Pa. in 1898.
She had a sister Susanna and a sister Anna
Susanna also came to the US but Anna remained there. This is all I know. Thank you

2002 - subject: Re: Stefanik

8 VII 2006 1:59, from: Zlatica
The village of Matysova falls into area code 052 of SK's phone book. Surname STEFANIK list in this area code but none in Matysova. The distant relatives could be living there but have only a cell phone or no phone.
An ALL site

2003 - subject: Re: Stefanik

8 VII 2006 18:19, from: Jean
Thank you very much for your reply.

2004 - subject: Re: Stefanik

9 VII 2006 8:40, from: Mick
Village Matysova is Rusyn village, where people speak Rusyn language and their religion is greek-catholic, it means that your ancestors from Matysova were Carpatho-Rusyn people. I remember from my visit this area that some Stefanik families lived in adjac

2005 - subject: Re: Stefanik

9 VII 2006 14:51, from: Zlatica
Your welcome.
Take a look in this site There is a photo of the church.
Few more sites:
The village Matysova is briefly mentioned in

2006 - subject: Re: Stefanik

10 VII 2006 3:40, from: Jean
Thank you for the information. I remember growing up that my Mother spoke different languages. The neighbors were from different areas of Sloakia. I should have payed more attention at that time.

2007 - subject: Re: Stefanik

10 VII 2006 6:19, from: Mick
Yes, it is possible that she spoke Rusyn language.
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

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