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The thread for message No. 2038. Subject: Zoricak/Zorichak. (Sent on 8 VIII 2006 18:41)

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2038 - subject: Zoricak/Zorichak

8 VIII 2006 18:41, from: Pat Morrison
Am researching genealogy mid to late 1800's Szepes County, Hungary. Want to hear from anyone researching that line particularly from Lendak or Zdiar.

2039 - subject: Re: Zoricak/Zorichak

8 VIII 2006 22:13, from: Zlatica
ZORIC^AK does show up in Zdiar's phone book.
Have you posted on Ancestry and Genforum? An ALL website for research in Slovakia.
Descendant named Scoles listed surname Zorichak from Zdiar in Slovak Pri

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