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The thread for message No. 2071. Subject: stefan varga. (Sent on 18 X 2006 17:21)

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2071 - subject: stefan varga

18 X 2006 17:21, from: steve vargo
stefan varga born 09/12/1903 in rumanova czechoslovika. trying to find out his mother and father names, and if he had brothers or sisters.I know that he came to america 12/01/1920.if you can be of any help if not let me know where i can go to get the info

2073 - subject: Re: stefan varga

18 X 2006 21:54, from: Zlatica
You might have some distant relative still in Rumanova judging by a phone listing for VARGA Tomas.
The LDS-Mormons have filmed the church records of Slovak Republic but the Western region films are slowly being put into Family

2367 - subject: stefan varga

16 I 2008 19:46, from: steve vargo
lookimg for his father and mother name. did he have brothers or sisters???

2505 - subject: Re: stefan varga

21 X 2008 19:55, from: steve vargo
trying to find any informatio about stefan varga who came to america 1920.any more info send me an email..

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