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The thread for message No. 2074. Subject: Zuzska Orovan. (Sent on 21 X 2006 20:57)

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2074 - subject: Zuzska Orovan

21 X 2006 20:57, from: Lee Forgang
I am the grandson of Leni (leona) Orovan born in Vrch Tepla. I am searching for Zuzska Orovan, niece of my grandmother. Please contact me via email if you have any information. I believe she was a resident of Bratslava at one time.
Thank you.

2075 - subject: Re: Zuzska Orovan

22 X 2006 22:16, from: Zlatica
The village of Vrchtepla is in Trencin region in area code 042.
Found an Otilia OROVANOVA in city of Bratislava's phone book.

2085 - subject: Re: Zuzska Orovan

31 X 2006 4:39, from: Lee Forgang
Zlatica, Thank you for responding.
My Orovan relatives are originally from Vrch Tepla. I will try to reach Otilia.
Thanks again,

2086 - subject: Re: Zuzska Orovan

31 X 2006 5:31, from: Zlatica
Your welcome Lee
Otilia is one and only phone listing for OROVANOVA in the whole SK's phone book.
Possible that your relatives are in Vrchtepla but with no house phone will not show up in the phone book. Maybe they have a cell phone. If you have the

2834 - subject: Re: Zuzska Orovan

13 XI 2012 10:34, from: Peter Zdarsa
Hello Lee,
I am Peter Zdarsa, son of Zuzana Zdarsova (born Orovanova). She was the daughter of Vojtech Orovan, born in Vrchtepla, Slovakia.
If you want to get in touch with her, please leave me a message.
Kind regards

2837 - subject: Re: Zuzska Orovan

24 XI 2012 15:08, from: Janet Marks Maximon
Hi, Peter,
You and I met with your mother about 10 years ago when my husband and I were traveling from Slovenia through Vienna. My grandmother was Vojtech's sister. I lost track of your information. Now, we have a relative who has put together an exten

2838 - subject: Re: Zuzska Orovan.

24 XI 2012 16:18, from: Sue Orowan Martin
Hello, I am your fourth cousin, living in the US. Janet Maximon sent me this link, and I'd love to know more about you, your mother, and your immediate family. I have been working on a family tree; there are, so far, 240 living descendants of Herschel O

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