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The thread for message No. 2127. Subject: Kumpan family. (Sent on 22 XII 2006 18:48)

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2127 - subject: Kumpan family

22 XII 2006 18:48, from: shayna Murry
I am trying to find out if I have any living relatives in Letnicie, or the general area. I hope to visit someday and would love to meet them. ...My great grandfather is Jozef Kumpan, born @1859. He married Helena Kassova, born @1864. They had 11 children

2128 - subject: Re: Kumpan family

22 XII 2006 22:14, from: Zlatica
Surname KAS'S'A and KAS'S'OVA (female) list in Letnicie's phone book.
In the area code 034 KUMPAN in Petrova Ves, Kuchyna, Gbely and Dojc.
An ALL site for research:
Have you posted on Ancestry or

2129 - subject: Re: Kumpan family

23 XII 2006 1:46, from: Zlatica
I did locate a KUMPAN surname board on Ancestry, which I believe yours is one of the posts. I have left 2 posts for you. Maybe you have changed e-mail address and thus were not notified about it.

2130 - subject: Re: Kumpan family

24 XII 2006 13:45, from: Anna
my great grandmother was Katarina Kumpan born in Radimov /near Letnicie/.She married Stefan Lanik from Smolinske /somolary/ 189O.They leved there too.Their doughter Berta came in US on 1913.Havent you in your family related /children or grandchil

2131 - subject: Re: Kumpan family

24 XII 2006 13:48, from: Anna
my great grandmother was Katarina Kumpan born in Radimov /near Letnicie/.She married Stefan Lanik from Smolinske /somolary/ 189O.They leved there too.Their doughter Berta came in US on 1913.Havent you in your family related /children or grandchil

2646 - subject: Re: Kumpan family

24 VIII 2009 21:47, from: Juraj Kumpan
Hi,, My name is Juraj Kumpan,, i live in dojč. My mother is daughter of Ján Kumpan, who was one of 11 children. He was son of Jozef and Helena birth. Kassova. 6 of them, than comes in United states. Ludvik, Karolina, Poldína, Žofia, Beta, Cyprián.

2647 - subject: Re: Kumpan family

25 VIII 2009 20:53, from: shayna kumpan murry
Hi Juraj!
I see you are having just as much fun as I am, trying to figure out our ancestry.
Cyprian is my grandfather.
Please give me your email address-I will attach the family tree!

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