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The thread for message No. 2312. Subject: Surnames:Sleziak,Svarc,Polc,Cingota,Koleny,Bahyl. (Sent on 8 VIII 2007 1:19)

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2312 - subject: Surnames:Sleziak,Svarc,Polc,Cingota,Koleny,Bahyl

8 VIII 2007 1:19, from: Renee Delrosario
I am the great-granddaughter of Martin Sleziak and Maria Polc. Martin was born October 3, 1904 in Dobra niva, Slovakia. His parents were Martin Sleziak (b. Austria/Hungary November 13, 1880 and Anna Svarc (b. Austria/Hungary 1884). He first came to Amer

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