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The thread for message No. 2315. Subject: Looking for Relatives. (Sent on 12 VIII 2007 7:17)

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2315 - subject: Looking for Relatives

12 VIII 2007 7:17, from: George Rusnak
My Mother Mary Simko was born on 8 July 1903 to John Simko and Anna Bobosh Simko in Mali Zaluzice and married George Rusnak on May 1926 in Campbell, Ohio. Her brother John and an uncle John Bobosh were already in Campbell. Her sister Zuzka ,if alive, stil

2318 - subject: Re: Looking for Relatives

12 VIII 2007 15:47, from: Zlatica
It seems like the site does not like me posting many websites. Trying at least for one.
No go. Not even with website.

2320 - subject: Re: Looking for Relatives

13 VIII 2007 10:27, from: Michal Razus
Hello, there is one Simko still living in Zaluzice
Michal Simko
Zalužice 259
phone number: +421 56/6471529
I can try to find out if there is someone from Bobosh family.
If you need more information contact me at

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