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The thread for message No. 2335. Subject: rigda/schusterova of Kluknava/Klukno. (Sent on 11 X 2007 23:33)

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2335 - subject: rigda/schusterova of Kluknava/Klukno

11 X 2007 23:33, from: L harrison
Looking for information on rigda family. brothers Metaj(matias) rigda, born February 14, 1877 and Istvan born September 16, 1881 in Kluknava.
Metaj wife: Judita schusterova, born November 16, 1876.
children born in Kluknava:
Anna Madalene born au

2336 - subject: Re: rigda/schusterova of Kluknava/Klukno

13 X 2007 21:17, from: Zlatica
Did you go thru the church records?
RIGDA and SUSTER does list in Kluknava's phone book. OVA is a female ending. (UTO 053).

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