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The thread for message No. 2347. Subject: Benovic relatives.... (Sent on 23 XI 2007 21:41)

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2347 - subject: Benovic relatives...

23 XI 2007 21:41, from: Marianne Benovic (Rose)
Looking for family members in Trencin area related to Frank Benovic (my grandfather) who immigrated to Chicago early 1900's. My aunt (Lillian Kroll-Michigan)corresponded with uncle and nephew until her death 5 years ago.
Frank's brother-Stefan and his s

2348 - subject: Re: Benovic relatives...

23 XI 2007 23:13, from: Zlatica
I would recommend sending a letter on the address that you have.
Trencin's phone book is showing BENOVIC Stefan.

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