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The thread for message No. 2353. Subject: Pankowicz Maria Helena. (Sent on 29 XI 2007 9:19)

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2353 - subject: Pankowicz Maria Helena

29 XI 2007 9:19, from: heclik Joanna
I am looking for information about Maria Helena Pankowicz born in Humene /Homona / in 1886.She was my grangrand mother. She also had a sister, but I do not know nothing about her.I would be very sincerely about any information

2354 - subject: Re: Pankowicz Maria Helena

29 XI 2007 17:16, from: Zlatica
PANKOWICZ seems Polish spelling and in 1990 census of names there were 38 holders of this surname in Poland.
PANKOVIC^ is Slovak spelling. PANKOVICS would be Hungarian spelling.
Did not find PANKOVIC^ in Humenne's phone book but that does n

2355 - subject: Re: Pankowicz Maria Helena

29 XI 2007 18:07, from: Vladimir Bibel
Family PANKOVIC^ lived in the Papin village in the north-east SLvoakia, where Vaso Pankovic was from. Vaso was one of the greatest young Slovak writers in the nineties of the last century.

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