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The thread for message No. 2514. Subject: Slovak Translation??. (Sent on 18 XI 2008 6:27)

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2514 - subject: Slovak Translation??

18 XI 2008 6:27, from: George Garbell
I received a post from someone named Palo about my paternal grandfather's origins in Eastern Slovakia. Can anyone translate the message for me? A big thank you to anyone who can help.
Ahoj George, ano, som z nizneho hrusova. Priezvisko Garbel je dost

2515 - subject: Re: Slovak Translation??

18 XI 2008 18:02, from: Zlatica
Hi George
Yes, I am from Nizny Hrusov. The surname GARBEL is rare, for sure in this region. My grandfather was Jan born sometime around year 1907. I do not have any further link/information. Grandfather's parents are burried in same cemetary but no years

2516 - subject: Re: Slovak Translation??

19 XI 2008 15:45, from: George Garbell
Zlatica, Thanks for quick response on the translation request! I was late in spotting the post from Palo. Looks like there is not a whole lot to follow up on, but it is nice to see the family name re-confirmed in Nizny Hrusov.

2517 - subject: Re: Slovak Translation??

19 XI 2008 16:44, from: Zlatica
Your welcome, George.
Was your ancestor from Nizny Hrusov? Did you go thru the church records for ancestral information? Don't know how young is Palo but if he is young, he might not be interested in genealogy, yet. Have yo

2518 - subject: Re: Slovak Translation??

19 XI 2008 17:23, from: George
I haven't been actively researching for the last year or so. My paternal grandfather's citizenship papers cited Ormezo, Zemplin Comitat, as his origin. Turns out that Ormezo is now Strazske. But, the name did not "scan' for Strazske, but did for Ninzny

2519 - subject: Re: GARBELY Janos

20 XI 2008 0:01, from: Zlatica
If you go on Ancestry and Genforum (Slovak board) you will find me there. Not sure if this site will let me post any websites but I will try. I did have few sites in the post but it would not let me post so took them out.
Yes, Ormezo, Zemple

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