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The thread for message No. 2584. Subject: Maykuth's Majkuth Maikut. (Sent on 19 II 2009 8:37)

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2584 - subject: Maykuth's Majkuth Maikut

19 II 2009 8:37, from: Maykuth
Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could help me find evidence of my Great, great, grandfathers birthplace. I am 90% sure it is Svadlar, Slovakia. I have records with really bad handwriting.Plus it is listed as being in Austria, (this would be back in 1

2585 - subject: Re: Maykuth's Majkuth Maikut

20 II 2009 0:30, from: Zlatica
I believe that I have posted to your query on Ancestry board. The English Y is a J sound.
MAJKUTH still in Svedlar's phone book.

2601 - subject: Re: Maykuth's Majkuth Maikut

28 III 2009 14:14, from: FRATELLO marek.rimsky
Dear Sirs,
my name is Marek Rimsky, I am professional genealogist from Slovakia. I am offering you a genealogy research, search of your ancestors if they came from Slovakia.
If you are interested, please contact me on the following address: marek.ri

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