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Genealogy forum

The thread for message No. 2683. Subject: orgin of parents. (Sent on 26 I 2010 0:52)

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2683 - subject: orgin of parents

26 I 2010 0:52, from: kracunak kala2556@comcast,net
any information of any one with name of kracunak
or close to same (last name)of my grand parents
in need of any information

2684 - subject: Re: orgin of Kracunak/Kracsunijak/Kracsunyak

26 I 2010 17:10, from: Zlatica
What US documents have you located, if any? Did they provide a location?
Kracsunijak, Janos Bezo, Hungary 2 1908 1910
Kracsunijak, Mihaly Bezo, Hungary 8 1902 1910
Kracsunijak, Zsuzsa Bezo, Hungary 30 1880 1910
Kracsuny, Maria Bezo

2685 - subject: Re: did you post in 2005 on this board?

26 I 2010 17:17, from: Zlatica
did you post on this board in 2005?

2686 - subject: Re: should have looked on the manifest

26 I 2010 19:37, from: Zlatica
I should have went to look on the actual manifest. I assumed that Ungfunkos is Ungbukkos but it is not. It is Ungpinkos
Pinkovce SO/KI užhorod.
1773, 1786 Pinkócz, 1808 Pinkócz, Pinkowce, 1863–1902 Pinkóc, 1907–1913, 1939–1945 Ungpinkóc, 19

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