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The thread for message No. 2777. Subject: Klimacek from Stara Tura (Otura). (Sent on 13 V 2011 7:10)

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2777 - subject: Klimacek from Stara Tura (Otura)

13 V 2011 7:10, from: Lee Souder
Grandfather - Alexander Sandor Klimacek (1891) and his Brother Anton (1885), Great Grandfather Andres Klimacek married Katron Verabel. Looking for any information and other family members. Sandor and Anton both died in New York.
Thank you for any inform

2778 - subject: Re: Klimacek from Stara Tura (Otura)

13 V 2011 15:17, from: Zlatica
Hi Lee
KLIMAC^EK and VRABEL still in Stara Tura's phone book.
Katron is not spelled correctly. In Hungarian Katalin and in Slovak Katarina
Stara Tura's church records are in LDS-Mormons [Family History Center]

2780 - subject: Re: Klimacek from Stara Tura (Otura)

15 VI 2011 7:49, from: Lee Souder
Anton Klimacek's marriage certificate date march 29,1911 shows mother's maiden name spelled Caterina Vrabel. Research done by Juraj Cisarik shows she was born May 1,1853 Stara Tura house 236. Interesting that there are still some Klimacek's and Vrabel's

2790 - subject: Re: Klimacek from Stara Tura (Otura)

2 VIII 2011 2:27, from: Zlatica
Hi Lee
My apology for replying kind of late to your post. I don't get notified. I must have done something incorrectly when I signed with a first reply.
Well to answer your question as how one finds out if one is related, you would send out a letter

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