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Genealogy forum

The thread for message No. 2861. Subject: Grandfather. (Sent on 23 III 2014 20:02)

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2861 - subject: Grandfather

23 III 2014 20:02, from: Donna (Filo) Brunskole
My grandfather, Andrew Joseph Filo, was born on June 20, 1899. In or around Velky Saris. He married Elizabeth Tomascikova, who was born in January 1899. Elizabeth had three sisters, Stefania, Jennie and Margaret, who I have met. Andrew and Elizabeth ha

2862 - subject: Re: Grandfather

24 III 2014 3:07, from: Zlatica
Could this be your ancestor arriving NY Ellis Island? The year is right.
Filo, Andrej Velky Saris, Cz. Slov. 24 1899 1923
Is Karol TOMASCIK the person you are communicating with? He shows up in Velky Saris's phone book.
Where did Elizabe

2866 - subject: Re: Grandfather

29 III 2014 10:14, from: Mick
I may be familiar with your Filo ancestors, are you connected somehow to Stoffa family from Velky Saris? You can contact me

2889 - subject: Re: Grandfather

21 III 2015 22:30, from: Donna Filo
Still trying to acquire information on my paternal grandfather, Andre Josef Fyjlo, not sure of the Slovak spelling. When he came to America, his name was changed to Andrew Joseph Filo. He was a carpenter and his wife Elizabeth was a sister to Sefania Ne

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