in SlovakEN

Slovak and Czech National Costumes

Slovenske a ceske tradicne kroje - a cover page

There is both information and color pictures of Slovak and Czech national costumes in this nice book. The book has seven chapters: Wedding day, Beauty for one day, Festive days, Male confidence, The human need for decoration, Madonnas, Festivals of joy, and Resumé.

The book is in the Slovak language, but contains a detailed English and German resumé as well as English and German texts for pictures.

More information:

Ethnographic Atlas of Slovakia

Slovak Folk Costumes

Slovenske a ceske tradicne kroje - Slovak and Czech National Costumes - sold out
Price: EUR 11.78
Scale: 0
Category: Folklore
Published by: Ottovo nakladatelsví
Edition 1.
Published in 2005.
ISBN: 80-7181-921-2
151 pp.
Dimensions: 22.00 x 30.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Folklore

Published: 2005-03-02
Updated: 2005-03-02

Categories: Regional Culture, Folklore