in SlovakSK

Vysne Ruzbachy Spa

Vysne Ruzbachy Spa

Vysne Ruzbachy Spa is located in the northeast corner of Popradska kotlina, at the sunny southern foot of Spisska Magura hills. Spa activites at Vysne Ruzbachy started in 16th century. Vysne Ruzbachy represents a successful combination of two natural therapeutic factors. The first one is thirteen springs of hydro carbonate, calcium – magnesium, carbonic, hypotonic thermal mineral water and the second is favourable climatic conditions with beneficial therapeutic effects on nervous and mental disorders. Mineral water offers solid therapeutic effects to circulatory disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders, renal and urological or gynaecological diseases. Successful treatment has been provided also for patients with cardiovascular diseases, occupational diseases or patients recovering from cancer.

Published: 2005-11-22
Updated: 2005-11-22

Categories: - Spas in Slovakia