in SlovakSK

Premeny Bratislavy 1939-1993 (Transformations of Bratislava 1939-1993)

Premeny Bratislavy 1939-1993

The Slovak etnographer Peter Salner writes in the summary of the book: "The book entitled Transformations of Bratislava seeks a response to the fundamental question: Why and how once a multi-ethnic and tolerant city has changed, in a historical short time of several decades, into its present shape, so different from the past. The author uses two methods in order to achieve this goal. While in the initial chapters analyze individual historical periods (the 40-ies, 50-ies and the period of normalization) the second part traces the changes based on various set of problems." Text is in Slovak, Summary is in German and English languages.

Premeny Bratislavy 1939-1993 Etnologicke aspekty socialnych procesov v mestskom prostredi (Transformations of Bratislava)
Autor: Peter Salner
Price: EUR 7.97
Scale: 0
Category: History, Memoirs
Published by: VEDA
Edition 1.
Published in 1998.
ISBN: 80-224-0496-9
133 pp.
Dimensions: 16.70 x 24.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> History, Memoirs

Published: 2005-07-25
Updated: 2005-07-25

Categories: - History