in SlovakSK

The Middle Europe - Road Atlases

The great road atlas of Central Europe, harbound, and smaller edition - Central Europe Compact, paperback

Middle Europe - Roadatlas - Cover Page
Road Atlas Central Europe 1:500000 - Cover Page

Central Europe - Road Atlas 1:500000

Road atlas includes these countries: Austria, Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Germany, France East, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, former Yugoslavia: Serbia and Monte Negro, Romania (west strip), Bulgaria (west, icluding Sofia).

Central Europe Compact - Cover Page
Central Europe Compact - Cover Page

Central Europe Compact Road Atlas 1:700000

Road atlas includes these countries: the United Kingdom (south from London), France (east part), Netherlands, Denmark (south), Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden (south), Germany, Italy (north, central part), Monaco, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia (west), Monte Negro, Albania (west), Romania (northwest), Ukraine (far west) Belarussia (west), Latvia (west), Kaliningrad and surroundings.

There are maps sheets in scale1:700000, tourist information, index with postal codes, distances in kilometers, car ferries in the road atlas.

Road atlases of whole Europe are here.

The Middle Europe - Road Atlas 1:500000
Price: EUR 17.59
Scale: 1:500000
Category: Motoring Maps and Atlases - World
Published by: Freytag&Berndt
Edition 0.
Published in 2006.
ISBN: 3-7079-0747-3
0 pp.
Dimensions: 0.00 x 0.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Motoring Maps and Atlases - World

Published: 2006-05-15
Updated: 2006-05-15

Categories: - Maps - Other Nations