in SlovakSK

Slovakia - Geography, Natural Resources

Location in Europe:

Area: 49,036 sq. km (18,921 sq miles)

Population: 5,435,343 (2016)

Population Density: 110 per sq. km

Czech Republic (CZ), Poland (PL), Ukraine (UA), Hungary (HU), Austria (AT)

Geographic Coordinates

S 47 deg. 43'55" of the North Latitude (Patince)

N 49 deg. 36'54" N.L. (Oravska Polhora)

W 16 deg. 50'04" of the East Longitude (Zahorska Ves)

E 22 deg. 34'20" E.L. (Nova Sedlica)

Max. Longitude: 428 km (Zahorska Ves - Nova Sedlica)

Max. Latitude (approximately): 192 km (Sturovo - Skalite)

Altitude above sea level: 95m (Bodrog) 2655 (Gerlach)

Digital terrain model of Slovakia

Substantial part of Slovakia is covered with mountains belonging to Western-Carpathian Bow. Mountains create several parallel stripes, divided by valleys, where rivers (river Vah in the valley of Povazie, Hron in Pohronie) run. The outer stripe is created by lower mountains, covered with forests: Male Karpaty, Biele Karpaty, Javorniky, Nizke Beskydy. The inner part is created by lower Strazovske vrchy, Velka Fatra, Mala Fatra and higher parts of Nizke Tatry and Vysoke Tatry (Low and High Tatra) with highest peak of Carpathian Bow - Gerlachovsky stit (2655 m). Three low lands are located in the southern part of Slovakia: Zahorska (Borska) nizina and Podunajska nizina in the West and Vychodoslovenska nizina in the East. South-western border of the country is formed by the Danube River.


Continental with hot summers and cold winters.

The coldest month is January (0°C), warmest July and August (26°C). In high altitude the snow lasts for 130 days per year.



Natural Resources: antimony ores, mercury, iron ores, copper, lead, zinc, precious metals, magnesite, limestone, dolomites, gravel, brick soils, ceramic materials, stone salt etc.

Fuel Resources: brown coal, natural gas.

More information:

Slovakia - Useful Information for Travelers and Tourists

Published: 2003-11-07
Updated: 2003-11-07

Categories: OnlineTravel Guides - except Slovakia - Help for Travelers - Slovakia