in SlovakEN

Agnesa Sigetova (Slovak-English Book about Slovak Painter)

Agnesa Sigetova - Cover Page
Agnesa Sigetova - portrait from the book about Slovak painter

Publication about Slovak painter and print artist Agnesa Sigetova (1939-2004). Text is written by historians of art Ivan Jancar and Fedor Kriska, in Slovak and English languages.

Sigetova studied under professor Jan Zelibsky at the Bratislava University of Fine Arts. After 1970 she was included in the group of artists prohibited from exhibiting their work because they did not comply with the demands dictated by the communist regime. Nevertheless, she continued to work. The situation changed after the 1989 revolution, and the artist eventually received the Martin Benka Award.

Sigetova exhibited in Sweden, Hungary, and Vienna.

Agnesa Sigetova: Medusa, 1972 - photography from the book about Slovak painter

Obsah/ Contents
Fedor Kriska: 1962 - 1980
Fedor Kriska: 1981 - 1990
Ivan Jancar: 1991 - 2003
Agnesa Sigetova: Spomienky a uvahy - vyber/ Agnesa Sigetova: Selected Recollections and Reflections
Samostatne vystavy /One-man Exhibitions
Kolektivne vystavy/ Group Exhibitions
Ceny a odmeny, zastupenie v zbierkach/ Prizes and Awards , Works in Collections
Eseje, clanky, kritiky a hodnotenia autorky - vyber/ Selected Essays, Articles, Reviews and Opinions of the Artist
Eseje, clanky o tendenciach a kolektivnych vystavach vztahujucich sa na autorku - vyber/Selected Essays, Articles on Trends and Joint Exhibitions Related to the Artist
Katalogy /Catalogues
Knizne publikacie uvadzajuce tvorbu umelkyne/The Book Publications Featuring the Art of Agnesa Sigetova
Zoznam reprodukovanych diel/List of Reproductions

Agnesa Sigetova (sold out)
Price: EUR 37.48
Scale: 0
Category: Culture, Arts
Published by: Q-EX, a.s.
Edition 1.
Published in 2007.
ISBN: 978-80-969598-4-6
245 pp.
Dimensions: 23.00 x 29.50 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Culture, Arts

Published: 2008-05-06
Updated: 2008-05-06

Categories: - Galleries, Museums, Exhibitions