in SlovakSK

Slovak Proverbs and Sayings

Breviar slovenskych prislovi a porekadiel

A small booklet of Slovak proverbs and sayings is written in the Slovak language only. If you understand the language, you will have a lot of fun. Sometimes the native Slovaks too have to think a little to catch the meaning of published proverbs.

Nemozu byt vsetci pani, musia byt i ludia - Slovak proverbs breviary
Price: EUR 3.65
Scale: 0
Category: Slovak Language, Textbooks
Published by: Q 111
Edition 3.
Published in 1998.
ISBN: 80-85401-67-3
168 pp.
Dimensions: 11.00 x 15.30 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Slovak Language, Textbooks

Published: 2006-08-17
Updated: 2006-08-17

Categories: Books, Literature - Regional Culture, Folklore