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The thread for message No. 1104. Subject: village Albert, families Mlinarcek, Gajan. (Sent on 14 XI 2004 11:09)

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1104 - subject: village Albert, families Mlinarcek, Gajan

14 XI 2004 11:09, from: Lydia Gajan
my ancestors Mlinarcek were coming 200 years ago from a village named Albert in Slovakia. Which region is this and to which town does it belongs now?
Gajan family was coming from slovakia too, but it is unknown from which village. Does someone kn

1105 - subject: Re: village Albert, families Mlinarcek, Gajan

14 XI 2004 12:23, from: Zlatica
The Slovak Republic's phone site is listing MLYNARC'EK, MLINARC'IK, MLYNARC'IK and GAJAN.
Is the spelling Mlinarcek the way it was in the "old country"?
If your ancestors married in the "old country" than the villages would h

1106 - subject: Re: village Albert, families Mlinarcek, Gajan

14 XI 2004 12:58, from: Zlatica
If you would go to you will see that there was Albert,Dvor (see Maly Dvor), Albertinsky Dvor but Mapy site is not locating this if that is the Albert of your ancestors.
On the other hand a good locator

1109 - subject: GAJANs - Ellis Island

15 XI 2004 2:25, from: Zlatica
Take a look at the manifests of 70 GAJANs that passed thru Ellis Island. You just might locate an ancestor, I hope. Most of them were from Hranovnica and few others villages that I did not check. The village is in Spis region of Slovak Republ

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