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Genealogy forum

The thread for message No. 1380. Subject: Doci Genealogy. (Sent on 12 III 2005 19:07)

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1380 - subject: Doci Genealogy

12 III 2005 19:07, from: Janet
I am reseaching for genealogy purposes my grandparents, Andrew Doci and Suzannah Cisar. My great-paternal parents are George Doci (Dovci) and Barbara Dzurina. Maternal great-grandparents are George Cisar and Barbara Korpa. My grandfather I believe born

2271 - subject: Re: Doci Genealogy

8 V 2007 0:53, from: janet
E-mail address for this reply is:
Researching names, Dovci, Korpa, Dzurina, and Cisar for genealogy purposes.

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