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The thread for message No. 1396. Subject: family history. (Sent on 30 III 2005 0:15)

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1396 - subject: family history

30 III 2005 0:15, from: Milan Michal
I am seeking information about my family. Father's name Jan Michal and Mother's name Maria Antalik. They came from Hrlica- Gerlice to Canada, father in 1920s and mother in 1926.

1397 - subject: Re: family history

30 III 2005 0:57, from: Zlatica
The village of Hrlica is in Gemer region of Slovak Republic. Its old name was Gerlicze, Grlice,Grlica and Gerlice.
The SK's phone site is at :
and a listing for ANTALIK(OVA) female in Hrlica's phone book.

1401 - subject: Re: family history

31 III 2005 1:14, from: Milan Michal
To Zlatica: Thank you for your reply to my request for information. I am hoping to come to Slovakia to see the home of my parent's village. Could you check in the phone book to see if there is: John Durove or John Homolak.If we were to come to Bratislava,

1402 - subject: Re: family history

31 III 2005 1:49, from: Zlatica
Your welcome, Milan
The SK's phone site has an English version.
YES, there is a phone listing for DUROVE and HOMOLIAK(OVA) in Hrlica's phone book (not for Jan).
I would recommend that you send a letter with family information and in

1403 - subject: Re: family history

31 III 2005 20:16, from: Peter Nagy
The integrated time table of both train and bus connections in Slovakia is here:
The site has also an English version

1404 - subject: Re: family history

1 IV 2005 1:58, from: Peter Nagy
Hello Peter: Thank you for the information. Milan Michal

1939 - subject: Re: family history

4 V 2006 14:12, from: Marian M.
haloo Milan.
I am from Slovakia. My mothrer born in Hrlica. I know more people in Hrlica. When you wont info abou your family - write mi in my adress
My grad mother - Judita Antalik,
I know Jan Durove, and many peopele with name Duro

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