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The thread for message No. 1515. Subject: family SPITZ & BRAUN. (Sent on 29 V 2005 0:54)

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1515 - subject: family SPITZ & BRAUN

29 V 2005 0:54, from: Alec
My familyh comes from Rajec.
They originally had a shop (on one corner of the town square) and the inn on the opposite corner.
Markus Braun was born in about 1789 and died in about 1884. He married Netty Pollak. They had a son Adolf Braun, who was

1519 - subject: Re: family SPITZ & BRAUN

1 VI 2005 17:46, from: Peter
what information do you need? Do you interesting about Rajec?

1520 - subject: Re: family SPITZ & BRAUN

2 VI 2005 0:21, from: Alec Spencer
I am keen to trace further back than my great grandparents. I do not need more information on Rajec itself, just my family's ancestors.

2891 - subject: Re: family SPITZ & BRAUN

19 IV 2015 16:06, from: Frederico Braun d\'Avila
Adolf Braun has a brother, called Dr. JACOB BRAUN, who was a Doctor for the Region of Temeswar,
He had three children: Leo (who died very little), Margarette and Gustav.
Gustav is the father of my Grand Father, called Leo Franz Braun and my great aunt,

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