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The thread for message No. 1539. Subject: Miskovic/Waksmanski. (Sent on 29 VI 2005 11:01)

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1539 - subject: Miskovic/Waksmanski

29 VI 2005 11:01, from: Miskovic
Searching for grandfathers ancestors, from Jurgaw area. His name Phillipus Miskovic Birthdate 5/30/1889. His Mother was Maria Miskovic. He was illegitamite, went to live with another family to be raised/work. Came to USA in 1907 through Ellis Island.

1540 - subject: Re: Miskovic/Waksmanski

29 VI 2005 14:27, from: Zlatica
The town of Nowy Targ and Jurgow is in Poland.
Use or
Take a look in website, but only in Polish.
Some websites to get you started in your research. Do post on Poland'

1541 - subject: Re: Miskovic/Waksmanski

29 VI 2005 16:08, from: Eire
Try visit LDS.

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