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The thread for message No. 1596. Subject: Great Grandparents. (Sent on 22 VIII 2005 21:47)

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1596 - subject: Great Grandparents

22 VIII 2005 21:47, from: Bernard Fisher
My great grandfather lived in the village of Debrod his name is Joseph Kakascik and was married to Barbare Nagy. He raised horses on the farm he inheirited. My grandfathers name was also Joseph, he last came to America in August of 1912 with his wife an

1597 - subject: Re: Great Grandparents

23 VIII 2005 0:01, from: Zlatica
The village of Debrod was in old Abauj megye.
The present name is Debrad.
The SK's phone book is listing KAKAS^C^IK, NAGY,and NAD^ but none in village of Debrad.

1598 - subject: Re:Ellis Island

23 VIII 2005 0:22, from: Zlatica
Using One Step to locate people that came from village Debrad:
125 people from Debrod, 3 from Debrad, 19 from Debrac(e), 6 from Jaszodebrod,and 5 from Jaszo Debrod no Kakascik or Nagy among them.

2454 - subject: Re:Ellis Island

8 VII 2008 7:58, from: Sandy Kakascik Ellis
I don't see a response from my cousin Bernard about what points us to Debrod but we have several things that do so I'll respond. One is that in the 1950s mail was sent to relatives living there. And I have my dad's birth certificate from 1912 which is f

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