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The thread for message No. 1641. Subject: FAMILY ROSKO HUSAK. (Sent on 15 X 2005 2:30)

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1641 - subject: FAMILY ROSKO HUSAK

15 X 2005 2:30, from:
Im Marcela Matejova despedent Roskova.Im children Jana Roska and Marii Roskovej despedent Remeckej.My father is 11-years deceaset.My mother still living.She is 84 years old.My mother often mention brother Juraja wchich come from USA.Very much something kn

1659 - subject: Re: FAMILY ROSKO HUSAK

17 X 2005 2:55, from: Doreen (Rosko)Kondratowicz
Hello Marcela, I did just send you email reply to email forwarded to me from Zalata. I am not sure if it is correct email address for you.Please email me
I am your cousin. My grandfather was Juraj Rosko
from village Husak

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