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The thread for message No. 1684. Subject: Matej. (Sent on 30 X 2005 4:11)

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1684 - subject: Matej

30 X 2005 4:11, from: Izabella danter
Looking for lost son. He has been missing since Nov 1, Somewhere near the Rio Grande.

1685 - subject: Re: Matej

30 X 2005 4:49, from: Zlatica
I would not think this would be the best board for you to post. I hope you posted on others.
In any case, go on September 29 on this board and there is a post by Matej looking to locate information on you and others in the family.

1686 - subject: Re: Matej

30 X 2005 8:51, from: Vladimir Bibel
Dear Mrs. Izabella,
Matej Danter who posted a message to our forum has an e-mail address

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