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The thread for message No. 1772. Subject: George Blyanda Jakubek. (Sent on 11 I 2006 20:47)

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1772 - subject: George Blyanda Jakubek

11 I 2006 20:47, from: Pat
I am looking for information about my grandfather, George Blyanda Jakubek, born in Lenartov in the 1880s, (1881) I think. He emigrated to the United States in the early 1900s. He died in the great flu epidemic of 1918, so we know very little about his f

1775 - subject: Re: George Blyanda Jakubek

11 I 2006 20:57, from: Mick
George Blyanda was born in Lenartov in 23 OCT 1881, his parents were Andreas Blyanda and Maria Uhrinek
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

1776 - subject: Re: George Blyanda Jakubek

11 I 2006 23:29, from: Zlatica
Surname BL^ANDA still in Lenartov.
8 BLYANDAs (Hungarian spelling)several from Lenarto (Lenartov) came thru Ellis Island to America.
The LDS-Mormons website is listing church records of Lenartov. You

1793 - subject: Re: George Blyanda Jakubek

23 I 2006 22:15, from: Zlatica
Mick from Kosice posted some very useful information for your research.
Surname UHRINEK does show up in Lenartov's phone book.
4 UHRINEKs, UHRUCEK and 2 UHRYNEKs from Lenarto thru EI.

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