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The thread for message No. 2057. Subject: Eppler Mor. (Sent on 19 IX 2006 12:14)

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2057 - subject: Eppler Mor

19 IX 2006 12:14, from: Josef Eppler
Eppler Mor (Moshe) 1854-1925, he was the father of my grandfather. He Arrived to Budapest at the age of 20 from Osombat or Sobotishte. His father was Eppler Yosef.
I am looking for more information.
I will be grateful to any one how will be able to help

2063 - subject: Re: Eppler Mor

3 X 2006 18:12, from: Zlatica
You could hire a researcher to go to the archive and gather ancestral information. The town of Sobotiste's old names were Szobotist, Sobotischte, Szobotist, and Oszombat. EPPLER

2474 - subject: Re: Eppler Mor

26 VII 2008 18:44, from: Yossi Eppler
Thank you for the respond,
Can you help me to find and hire a researcher how knows English.
I will be most grateful for your advise and for your help.

Thank you,
Yossi Eppler

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