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The thread for message No. 2157. Subject: Francak,Franchek family. (Sent on 18 I 2007 2:05)

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2157 - subject: Francak,Franchek family

18 I 2007 2:05, from: Laurel Valenti
I am searching for information on the Francak,(Franchek USA) (Franeak Slovakia) family. My great grandfather was Stephan born in Babin, one of eight children. I lost contact with Pavol Franeak who lives in Trecein. He owns a small printing shop. The email

2158 - subject: Re: Francak,Francek family

18 I 2007 6:05, from: Zlatica
SK's phone site:
FRANC^AK list in Babin's phone book. In Trenc^in's phone book a FRANC^EK. Why not send a letter. I would say those are two different family names.

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