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The thread for message No. 2309. Subject: Murin, Kozel, and Labaj, Skycak relatives. (Sent on 15 VII 2007 2:19)

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2309 - subject: Murin, Kozel, and Labaj, Skycak relatives

15 VII 2007 2:19, from: Karen Gunnell
I was wondering if there are any others with relatives with the same last names as my Slovak relatives who emigrated to Chicago from Namestovo and Klin at the turn of the century. One of those who stayed behind was Ignaz Labaj uncle of my grandfather who

2526 - subject: Re: Murin, Kozel, and Labaj, Skycak relatives

2 XII 2008 3:53, from: Robert Kuldanek
Hi Karen,
Not sure if this helps you but my last name is Kuldanek and my grandfather's name and my uncle"s name are Stefan. My father always told me we had relatives in the Chicago area. We live in New Jersey.
Robert Steven Kuldanek

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