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The thread for message No. 2742. Subject: Gubas/Bielek/Safar. (Sent on 15 VIII 2010 19:07)

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2742 - subject: Gubas/Bielek/Safar

15 VIII 2010 19:07, from: Elizabeth Bradich
Originally I'm looking for Janos Gubas. He was born in Hungary and was married to Maria Safar. He came to America about 1905. He was my ggrandfather. He was born about 1872. I would be ever so grateful for any help.

2746 - subject: Re: Gubas/Bielek/Safar

21 IX 2010 16:46, from: Zlatica
Do you know where your Janos GUBAS was born?

2752 - subject: Re: Gubas/Bielek/Safar

5 X 2010 15:52, from: Zlatica
Is he one of them?
Gubas, Janos Kohany, Hungary 28 1886 1914
Gubas, Janos Barkaszo, Hungary 4 1909 1913
Gubas, Janos Kuczara, Hungary 31 1881 1912
Gubas, Janos Kis Kinizs, Hungary 4 1904 1908
Gubas, Janos Giurgevo 24

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