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The thread for message No. 2772. Subject: Yanek ancestors. (Sent on 1 IV 2011 1:27)

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2772 - subject: Yanek ancestors

1 IV 2011 1:27, from: Heather Gandee
Hi! My maiden name was Yanek and I am looking for ancestors that lived in Siroka, Slovakia. My great, great grandfather and his 2 brothers were the first to come over to the United States. My great, great grandfather's name was John Stephen Yanek and h

2773 - subject: Re: Yanek ancestors

1 IV 2011 23:22, from: Zlatica
YANEK in English is JANEK in Slovak.
Široké [šariš region]
1773 Siroka, Siroke, 1786 Schiroka, 1808 Siroka, Ssiroká, 1863–1913 Siroka, 1920– Široké [all the names this village was known by]
Check in LDS-Mormons [Family History Center] si

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