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The thread for message No. 1941. Subject: TISON family. (Sent on 10 V 2006 15:11)

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1941 - subject: TISON family

10 V 2006 15:11, from: gail tison simonin
I'm looking for TISON family members from Slovakia. Both my paternal grandparents were from Slovakia and emmigrated to Pennsylvania, USA in the early 1900's. There names were: Anthony and Susanna.

1942 - subject: Re: TISON family

10 V 2006 20:15, from: Zlatica
Do you know where they were born, what village?
Did they come thru Ellis Island?
An ALL website for research in Slovakia:
SK's phone book: TISON^ in Maly Saris, Spisska

2376 - subject: Re: TISON family

26 I 2008 22:59, from: Kristina
I am very interested in talking with you. My mother was born in Ruzomberok and was a Tison. Her father was Michael Tison. The Tison family seem to have originated in Oravska Lesna (Erdutka was an earlier name for the village). Contact me so we

2415 - subject: Re: TISON family

2 IV 2008 16:32, from: Gail Tison Simonin
They did come through Ellis Island and we have a great family story about that and the spelling of our name. Not sure of the village name.

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