in SlovakSK

The High Tatras

The High Tatras - Cover Page

This pistorial publication is filled with beautiful color photographs. There are 113 pictures of 19 valleys, more than 50 peaks, 4 villages and 8 mountain cottages.

Published in 3 versions - in English, German and in Slovak language. Compiled by Eugen Lazistan. Photograps by Jaroslav Prochazka and Ladislav Janiga.

The Mountain Zabi Kon  (2291 meters above the sea level)

"The present strict rocky beauty of the Tatras peaks and valleys was shaped in the dramatic mountain - forming processes during the later Tertiary, it means five to twenty millions years ago," writes in the Invitation to the High Tatras publicista Fedor Mikovic.

The Blue Lake - the highest situated lake in the Tatras (2190 meters above the sea level)

"During these millennia the glaciers had been shaping valleys with rocky moraines and thresholds which blocked waters of mountain streams and brooks producing numerous lakes – the true germs of the Tatras nature. In the High Tatras, in the Slovak territory, there are 110 such lakes, another 16 lakes are in the Polish territory," writes Mikovic.

More information:

Books about Slovakia in German language and dictionaries – Die Bücher über die Slowakei in Deutsch

Vysoke Tatry - The High Tatras - Guidebooks and Maps

Vysoke Tatry

The High Tatras
Autor: Jaroslav Procházka
Price: EUR 12.58
Scale: 0
Category: Pictorial Books
Published by: Neografia
Edition 2.
Published in 2003.
ISBN: 80-88892-53-8
96 pp.
Dimensions: 22.50 x 31.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Pictorial Books

Published: 2005-10-03
Updated: 2005-10-03

Categories: - Nature, Environment