A little after a year: Approximately the same place on the sidewalk under Pajstun Castle ruin. In the picture you can see that a lot of fallen rocks have been added. There are also small fragments of bricks that the helmet could protect from, but also pieces of rock that could have effects incompatible with life for people in helmets. Within reach of the falling "Pajštún greetings" is a tourist trail, along which dozens - hundreds of people move every day, without any sign warning them of danger. The hiking trail should be moved down from the castle into the forest until the castle is rehabilitated.
Pajstun Castle near Bratislava: Beware of falling stones and bricks
Pajštúnska ruská ruleta, alebo: Nemal by sa Pajštún pre turistov uzavrieť?
Published: 2021-07-22
Updated: 2021-07-22
Categories: Trips, walks - Bratislava and Surroundings - Trips, walks