in SlovakSK

Slovenske skaly I., II. (Slovak Rocks Climbing Guide)

Slovenske skaly I.

Slovenske skaly I. (Slovak Rocks I)

The first part of this climbing guidebook is written in Slovak and German languages. A non-Slovak reader can understand climbing route maps with help of pictograms.

Prepared by Daniel Pauer who died tragically in 2002. Simple plans and maps are included. For more information see the contents below. 226 pages, paperback. Published in 2000.

Map of rocks in the guide Slovenske skaly I.

The map of rocks in the climbing guide I.

Slovenske skaly II.

Slovenske skaly II.

In comparison with the climbing guide Slovenske skaly I the later uses as a second language English. And again pictograms allow a non-Slovak climber to understand route maps. Published in 2002, 270 pages, paperback.

Map of rocks in the guide Slovenske skaly II.

The map of rocks in the climbing guide II.

Contents of Slovenske skaly I
Name of rocks Mountain Number of routes / max. length Geological composition
Beckov Povazsky Inovec 75 vapenec / limestone
Skalka pri Trencine Biele Karpaty 84 vapenec / limestone
Kamenne vrata Strazovske vrchy 56
Predhorie Strazovske vrchy 126
  • Nad Bykmi
vapenec / limestone
  • Sokolie
vapenec - dolomity / limestone - dolomites
Maninska uzina Strazovske vrchy vapenec / limestone
  • Velky Manin
  • Maly Manin
Kostolecka uzina Strazovske vrchy 53 vapenec / limestone
Bosmany Strazovske vrchy 25 vapenec / limestone
Precin Strazovske vrchy 108 piescity zlepenec
Domaniza Strazovske vrchy 44
Blatnica Velka Fatra 43 vapenec / limestone
Hradok Vtacnik 56 andezit
Hajska skala Ziar 39 vapenec / limestone
Contents of Slovenske skaly II
Sulov Sulovske vrchy 490 / 150m zlepenec / conglomerates
Porubka Chocske vrchy 147 / 50m vapenec a dolomity / limestone and dolomites
Visnove Mala Fatra 35 / 30 m vapenec / limestone
Bela Mala Fatra 26 / 30 m vapenec / limestone
Blatnica Velka Fatra 70 / 25 m vapenec / limestone
Haliny Velka Fatra 48 / 50 m vapenec / limestone
Sokol Chocske vrchy 20 / 150 m vapenec / limestone
Tupa skala Oravska vrchovina (na mape Chocske vrchy) 114 / 20 m vapenec / limestone
Vapenka pri Zuberci Rohace 38 / 25 m vapenec / limestone
Machnato Nizke Tatry 86 / 30 m vapenec / limestone
Sturec Nizke Tatry 10 / 30 m vapenec / limestone
Jelenec Nizke Tatry 31 / 35 m vapenec / limestone
Jakub Nizke Tatry 59 / 25 m vapenec / limestone

More information:

Climbing Guide Vysoke Tatry

Pajstun - Climbing Routes

Slovenske skaly 2 (Slovak Rocks Climbing Guide) - Outsold
Price: EUR 8.13
Scale: 0
Category: Mountaineering, Climbing
Published by: Daniel Pauer
Edition 1.
Published in 2002.
ISBN: 80-968835-5-0
246 pp.
Dimensions: 14.70 x 20.90 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Mountaineering, Climbing

Published: 2004-03-15
Updated: 2004-03-15

Categories: Climbing